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Client: Brunvoll
Show: Nor-Shipping 2019
Location: Lilleström, Norway
Stand size: 168 m2
Type: Island, custom build

Stand design, project management by Wulff Entre

Challenge from the client:

The booked space included 2 hall pillars in the middle of the stand space. The client wanted to minimize the loss of space due to the pillars. The client needed different spaces on the stand (social, open neg. space, closed meeting rooms, storage and technical space for product presentation). The main visibility of the stand was on the ”left side” of the island.

Also, it must be cost-efficient solution.


Wulff Entre’s solution:

We created a diagonal stand design – this way we got the maximum visibility for the company from any direction. The main direction pointed to the entrance. A “Gate” element was created to separate the open social area and technical presentation area from the closed meeting rooms and storage facilities. The stand looks massive, but with no hanging elements, it was cost-efficient to build. The pillars are ”hidden” behind the gate. Resulting in an open stand, well light, easy to find and easy to step in!